Reno Ice Raiders 2024 - 25 Season Tickets
Reno, Nevada
Program Overview
2024 - 2025 Reno Ice Raiders Season Tickets - ON SALE THURSDAY September 5, 2024 at 11AM PST
The Reno Ice Raiders are a full-contact, Senior A hockey team that plays in the Mountain Hockey League (MHL). This season you will have twenty home games for our most ambitious schedule yet. The season pass is $400 which equates to twenty dollars per game. We will be utilizing CampVine ONLY for season passes, other platforms charged too many extra add-on fees for a purchase price like this. There are a couple more steps but ultimately it'll be cheaper for you, the diehard fan to enjoy our games. Our goal is to always try and keep the season pass around the twenty dollars per game mark. We're proud to say that this season pass is the best bang for your buck that we've been able to offer. Thank you for your continued support!!!
- Reno Ice Raiders
For questions, please contact our General Manager, Jess Peterson at jess@renoiceraiders.com
Program Description
Season Passes will grant you admission to every home game for the Reno Ice Raiders in the 2024-2025 hockey season. You will be given a season pass that will be used throughout the entire season, so please do not lose your season pass lanyard! You may allow other people to use your lanyard throughout the season but make sure you get it back.
Program Detail
Since this is a new system for our fans just quickly review these steps before proceeding to purchase your season pass.
1. Look right and click "Please select session". Choose the season pass option and click add to cart.
2. This will take you to the CampVine Login page, create an account, and Login. Don't worry, you'll receive no spam emails from this platform.
3. It'll ask you to confirm your email so just get back to your email and follow the links.
4. Once you're in CampVine you'll see the cart in the upper right-hand corner which is already filled with one item. Just click the cart.
5. On the next screen click "Add Participant", fill in the info, and hit save.
6. You're now at the checkout page and pretty self-explanatory from there.
If you are buying more than one pass just simply click "add another participant" on the checkout page and repeat the steps again. When filling in the participant info again, just get the name of the person and the email address correct. Don't freak out because you don't have your wife's birthday and cell phone memorized after twenty-seven years of marriage. When you arrive back at the checkout page you will see your order updated with multiple participants.
This is the main reason we are utilizing CampVine this year. We noticed a lot of season pass holders purchased multiple passes last year and the extra fees really added up. There will still be a transaction fee however, this is vastly more affordable than other ticket-buying platforms. So we apologize for the extra steps but that's the reasoning behind it.
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Facility Location
Reno Ice Raiders
15500 Wedge Parkway
Reno, NV
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