Ricci Hockey Checking Clinics
Denver, Colorado
Program Overview
CHECKING CLINIC - At Big Bear Ice Arena ~ $225.00
Program Description
Checking Clinic:
Master the art of contact and control with our comprehensive Checking Clinic. Build confidence with dynamic drills covering how to deliver, receive, and avoid checks. Learn essential skills like stick checks, shoulder checks, angling, and lateral skating agility. Hone defensive positioning, backchecking, forechecking, and net-front play. Develop tactics for pin checks, roll checks, body blocks, steering, and shot blocking. Perfect your timing and decision-making with pressure vs. contain strategies. Elevate your game with advanced techniques designed to boost confidence and safety in all areas of checking.
If you have any questions about Ricci Hockey please contact:
Kim Feno at 720-299-8601 or info@riccihockey.com
Angelo Ricci at 303-810-7022 or angelo@riccihockey.com
Program Detail
July 19-20, 2025 - Squirt – Midget 11:00am – 2:00pm
0 Reviews
Facility Location
8580 E Lowry Blvd
Ricci Hockey, Inc.
PO Box 1045
Morrison, CO 80465
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